Building a healthy relationship in a changing world.
By Ross Campbell, MD & Gary Chapman, PhD
While most parenting books are aimed at parents of young children, this book is for the parents of young adults. The authors focus mainly on those born roughly between 1980 and 1995 known as Generation Y, the Millennials or Mosaics. Unlike the parents, these children grew up in a less stable and rapidly changing society.
Throughout the book Campbell and Chapman remind the reader that the primary goal of parents is to guide their children toward independent living and maturity. The authors do a great job of helping the parent understand today’s young adult. They give recommendations on how to deal with many topics including when your child is not succeeding, when your child moves back home, conflicts with lifestyle issues and becoming an in-law and/or grandparent.
The common thread through this book is to keep the lines of communication open, make sure you show your love the way your child understands, be a positive role model and to lift your child up in prayer.
Written from a Judeo-Christian worldview, this book would be helpful for parents of any faith.
- Dixie
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